Olivier Pere


Olivier PERE is a Registered Massage Therapist who mainly focuses on musculoskeletal dysfunction, pain management, and functionality improvement.

He believes in the body’s capability to regenerate itself and he uses his competence to assist this process.

His massage intends to maintain & rehabilitate the soft tissue of the body and increase range of motion so that the patients can perform at their optimal level.

No single approach is the right one for every individual and Olivier customs his treatment by combining multiple modalities.

Balancing muscles and fascia systems to improve range of motion, posture and help clients to become and remain pain-free by integrating neuromuscular techniques, Swedish, deep tissue, trigger point release, myofascial, and connective tissue release, joint play, and mobilization, lymphatic drainage, etc. His treatments extend beyond massage to include patient education, such as postural awareness. The overall goal is to increase physical efficiency and limiting the risk of injury by keeping muscles, tendons, and ligaments healthy and mobile.

Constant training, repetitive motion, and poor body posture can lead to micro-damage that will cause pain. When the human body experiences pain, it affects its productivity, which limits performance. Olivier uses his knowledge to help you get your body back to neutral so that you can work better, move better, and perform better on a solid foundation.

On a personal note, he enjoys a healthy lifestyle, incorporating a well-balanced diet, regular exercise. He finds it into massages a way for the body, heart, and mind to pause and reconnect to find balance. Olivier is a French native speaker, loves traveling, cooking, learning new languages. He looks forward to getting into Rehabilitation and Physical therapy.

Olivier PERE
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